1325 Imola West, #409, Napa, CA Phone: 707-299-9548
The day began about 10 am at the home of Napa County Supervisor Bill Dodd located just a few home lots away from the gorgeous Silverado Resort and Country Club in the eastern hills outside of the city of Napa. Bill’s wife, Mary, and her two daughters Georgia and Bridget Gann Dodd were busily preparing a picnic lunch for the party of six college students organized to celebrate the 22 birthday of Bridget Nolan. Already at the house were two of the three young men, Stevo Ostrow and Elliot Hayes, who escort the girls on the wine tasting outing. The last young man to join the group, Greg Mason Green would join the group along the tasting trail. Bridget Gann would wait for Greg to come up from Berkeley and then she and Greg would travel up valley to join the others.
To accommodate the party of six, Bill contacted Wine Country Marketing and Promotions and asked its founder, John Olney -who Bill has known for a number years - to design a full day’s activities for the group and drive them safely around tasting wine. The plan was to use two cars to transport the group from winery to winery.
Below, Georgia Gann flanked by Stevo Ostrow (left) and Elliot Hayes in the entry parking lot at famed race car drive Mario Andretti‘s Winery. (CLICK ON PHOTO's FOR ENLARGEMENT)

Birthday girl Bridget joins the others under the archway entry in front of the courtyard fountain that leads to the tasting room.
The tasting room was filled with quite a large crowd of people such that Bridget’s gang was unable to squeeze up to the tasting bar. The party reviewed the tasting menu and saw that they were going to have a wait before they could experience the wines and finally elected to move on to the next itinery stop.
The Second Stop -
Silverado Vineyards & Winery
Next on the wine tasting schedule was the Silverado winery (www.silveradovineyards.com/ ) constructed by the widow of Walt Disney, Lillian, her daughter Diane and her husband Ron Miller. Mr. Miller is a former football star at USC and the L.A. Rams, and head of Disney Studio products.
<<<-- The fountain and stairway entry leading to the tasting room
BELOW: The tasting bar .

The three purchased the third vineyards planted in what would become the famous Stag’s Leap Appellation District which were originally planted by Harold Sees of the candy production fame.
<<<-- Birthday girl Bridget and Greg experience the wonderful aroma associated to the massive barrel storage rooms. Below: The fabulous view from the tasting deck with Mayacamas mountain range on the left leading to Calistoga and Mt St. Helena, the highest peak in Napa County
Off to the Third Stop - Mumm Napa
<<< - Wait staff sets up the glasses and identifying mats. Below: The six different bubbles are ready for tasting.

Let the tasting begin, and begin and…..
Now they are ready to take the 45 minute tour and learn how the sparkle develops in the wine.
Below: After the tour they view the Ansel Adams photography collection and the Mustard Festival Photo Contest selections before exiting the winery and heading back for more tasting.
At the beginning of the tour Elliot had answered a prize question correctly and their tour guide pours their reward.
Meanwhile their other driver is working his way back from the Dodd’s home bringing the other Bridget and Greg up to Mumm to join the birthday party and tasting.
Finally Bridget Gann and Greg Mason Green arrive on scene.
A finale tasting with all six of the birthday party together enjoying a good time with their tour guide and then it’s off to picnic lunch.
Off to Lunch - The Fourth Stop

Franciscan Vineyards & Winery - Stop #5
Although Bridget Gann works at Franciscan (www.franciscan.com/ ), she lets an on duty tasting room staff member give some background on this fabulous winery before Bridget takes over and gives the group a walking tour of her employment facilities. Then they sit in the courtyard and enjoy some well spent time together as for some of them their graduation from college nears.

It’s not always easy to get six people ready for a posed picture in front of the massive entry way fountain at Franciscan

BUT, TIME PEVAILS and they come together!

Movie mogul Francis Ford Coppola, over a period of 15 years, meticulously re-established the entire estate depicted in this drawing displayed above many doorways as you walk through the complex. He renamed it "Rubicon" (www.rubicon.com/}.
And the boys contemplate their next Executive Officer responsibilities in the business world

With a staircase like this, how could one not gather the beauty of these young women and capture their moment?

The sun begins to fall and the wine tasting journey draws to an end.
We could only hope that all our clients would be as much fun and enjoyable as this group of simply great young men and women. My co-host/driver, Larry Cancelose, and I thank Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dodd for giving us the honor to escort these great youth of tomorrow around our Napa Valley. Best wishes in all their future endeavors.
signed: John M. Olney, Founder