1325 Imola West, #409, Napa, CA Phone: 707-299-9548Web site: http://www.twccwcmp.blogspot.com/ E-mail: winecountrypromo@aol.com
But before going on about the estate design, and layout, I need to mention that the Foley Family Wines (FFW), headed by William "Bill" Foley, purchased a controlling interest in Kuleto Estate (www.kuletoestate.com/ ), owned by restaurateur Pat Kuleto, and his cadre of investors, in mid March of this year. FFW posses a 70 percent interest in the operations and owns an undisclosed number of acres in vineyard land. The Estate includes approximately 75o total acres of land with about 150 planted to vineyard. The winery currently produces about 3,500 cases per year and plans show growth to about 14,000 cases.
William Foley is Chairman of the Florida-based Fidelity National Financial Inc.(www.fnf.com/ ) and Fidelity National Information services (www.fidelityinfoservices.com/ ). He began his operating interest in the wine industry in 1996 with the purchase of Lincourt Vineyards (www.lincourtwines.com/ ) in Santa Barbara County when he formed FFW. Next he purchased J. Carey winery and vineyards in Sta. Rita Hills and renamed it, Foley Winery (www.foleywines.com/) He went on to purchase two more California wine businesses - Firestone Winery (www.firestonewine.com/ ) in Santa Barbara County and Merus Winery in the Napa Valley (www.meruswines.com/ ) - before moving up to Washington to purchase the Three Rivers Winery in Walla Walla (www.threeriverswinery.com/ ).
Just before the end of 2008, in December, Foley purchased the old and well established Sebastiani winery of Sonoma, CA (www.sebastiani.com/ )
With the acquisition of Kuleto, FFW owns seven winery operations on more than 1,000 acres between the states of California and Washington.
Now let me get back to Pat Kuleto and his accomplishments which include the following designs:
Located in San Francisco
Located in Napa Valley (St. Helena)
Restaurant & Lodging located along the shores of Tomales Bay, Sonoma County
Winery Estate located high in the hills east of Napa Valley's town of Rutherford.
I hope to tour the inside of the winery very soon and present it as part 2 of this photo journal.
Located on the northern hillside of Highway 128 - also known as Sage Canyon - Kuleto Estate winery & vineyards is at the end of about a 2.5 mile winding and narrow side road climbing the hill where once you reach the top you will experience fantastic views in all directions from roughly the town of Yountville to the south to Mt. St. Helena raising to the north of the town of Calistoga.
About half up I found this resting place which truly captured my attention with this beautiful spreading old Oak tree. I was fascinated by this very interesting branch growing into and out of an old wine barrel.
Found this work shack just after making the first sharp turn
Vineyards were planted in all directions as I wound up the road towards the winery
Probably the most striking element of Kuleto’s ground landscaping designs is the extensive use of separated rest area’s varying in size capacity from table settings for two to seating capacity for fairly large groups. He also uses a substantial amount of ponds, water falls and fountains throughout the property. At the base of the hill where he built the winery and a home Kuleto has sculpted a fabulous little lake complete with dock and wharf. As one rises from the pond he has created waterfalls and additional ponds that provide the viewer with the feeling that he/she must have arrived in the Shangri la of wine country Napa.
Pictured here is the driveway which circles around the winery located un the upper level in the right hand margin
From the parking lot you cross by these oven entry way to the winery and tasting room.
As it approaches night time the lights start going on and the facilities takes on a different look.
As you drive up to the winery building, Kuleto has established a collection of old farming equipment and this wonderful old Sage Canyon fire engine.
I started walking towards the other side of the winery and up the small hill towardsrds Kuleto’s residence. I first came upon this fountain . I found it fascinating. I stopped to walk around it looking for some sort of deep meaning but I just couldn’t come with anything at the time.
I’m still fascinated with this presentation and my current thought is that it’s some sort of presentation related to wine vases and vessels. I’m going be looking forward to actually meeting this man and hearing his explanation of the essence behind this fountain and pond.
Then I started walking the hill when I suddenly got a whiff of that familiar smell of animal droppings. As I turned around the island in the road, I saw what was causing the unpleasant odor. Pat Kuleto is a gentleman farmer!

How about these Turkeys?
The next stop was to see the view from the grounds surrounding Kuleto’s residence.
To the right is the private driveway leading up to his house from the Eastern side of his home and connecting to boathouse down below the winery as shown earlier.
These stairs lead to the home from the eastern side. I did not go up to house; rather I slithered around the southern side to see the view from the grounds.
Here is the staircase leading to the home from the western side of the site.
Around the southern side of the home, I found spectacular views of Lake Hennessey.
This one was snapped as the sun was starting to set for the day.
The view west from the pool and pool house deck as the sun begins to set. The bridge crossing over the water near the closest point of the Lake is right at the split of Hwy 128 to go to Pope Valley to the left (north) and to head up to Lake Berryessa to the right (east).
The sky was constantly changing as the sun was setting.
I then went around to the northern side of the home. There were not as many trees blocking out the sun so it appears like more light exists than when I was on the south side of the home. This shot was taken directly behind the winery complex.
I turned around and took a couple of pictures to give you a feel for the size of this winery.
Now I’m back looking at the sunset but on the northern side of the complex.
But before closing this photo journal out I thought a few photo’s of other interesting points around the compound might be fun for you to browse. This little guy (left picture) is way up on the southern side roof of the winery building.
Then there are the doors and windows that caught my eye.
Presented below is a slideshow providing glimpses of the property as taken with my digital camera as well as 35mm camera.
Hoped you enjoyed this photo journal of a truley magnificient working estate.
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